Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Valentines Day Fun!

Hello! I am requesting that each student either bring in a shoebox or other smallish box with a removable lid for our valentines. Please bring them in by February 5th. If you have any extra shoe boxes to spare please send them in for students who may not have one. We will decorate them at school.

Also, we have a total of 16 students and I will provide a name list coming soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Second Grade MAPs All-Stars!

The Second Graders all saw awesome gains on their MAPs scores. I am so proud of all of you for persevering through the tests and doing so well! 

A new Week! 1-25/1-29

Hello Families and Students! We are going to have an awesome week! I can't wait to get started! Check back for the homework for the week.

First Grade will be reading:

Genre: Informational Text

At Home in the Ocean

Spelling List:
Diagraph th
  1. that
  2. then
  3. this
  4. them
  5. with
  6. bath
High Frequency Words:
  • blue
  • little
  • water
  • cold
  • live
  • where
  • far
  • their

Proper Nouns

Second Grade will be reading: 

Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Spelling List:
Base Words and Endings -s, -es
  1. hens
  2. eggs
  3. ducks
  4. bikes
  5. boxes
  6. wishes
  7. dresses
  8. names
  9. bells
  10. stamps
  11. dishes 
  12. grapes

High Frequency Words:
another       kind
far               light
grow           more
hard            some
heard          to

understand      believe
gathered          problem
impatient         demand
impossible       furious

Compound Sentences


5th/6th Graders


We will be finishing up sound and starting our project this week!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Embarking on a New Week!

Greetings to all members of our class and your families! 
This week we will be looking forward to finishing up our Reading lessons. The snow days took two mornings away from Reading, so we will be ready to test on Tuesday! 


MAPs testing will begin this week for 2-6th. I know that our 2nd Graders are going to do so well. They have been working so hard in Reading, Writing, and Math all year long! Make sure your child has a breakfast and a good nights sleep all this week; please and thank you!

Due to MAPs testing neither grade will have a spelling test this week. New words will go out on Wednesday for their next lessons. 


1st Grade:
Will be finishing up their Math Unit on Place Value next week and should take their Unit test the following week. They are rocking it and are understanding that in the number 23, there are 2 tens and 3 ones. Also, we are studying the concepts of > < and = (i.e. 47 < 33, and  12 = 12). You can quiz your kiddo with any number up to 99 (i.e. How many tens are in 87, (answer 8), and how many ones (answer 7)). This would be great to do in the car or at dinner.

2nd Grade:
Just began a new unit on Money and it is a long one! They will have several lessons before their big test. Please help your child count money any chance you get. Give them some change and have them count it back to you and/or while at the store have them count out money owed and their change! Great teachable moments for your kiddos!
They are working with the concepts of counting quarters (i.e. 3 quarters is $0.75, and 5 quarters is $1.25 and so on.) This can be tough at first so practicing loads will help them incorporate these facts into their schema.


1st Grade:
_____ word family packet due Thursday 22nd

M   4-13
T    4-14
W   4-15
Th  4-16

2nd Grade:
_____ word family packet due Thursday 22nd

M    4-3
T     4-4
W    4-5
Th   4-6

5/6th Grade Science this Week: Sound Waves

Here is a fantastic video from Mr. Anderson of Bozeman Science that our class will be viewing this week. It is full of great information that our students will be guided through. I will be providing notes for our 5th/6th graders as we watch it to supplement our lesson. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Math Test Heros!

Way to go 2nd Grade on your Unit 3 test on measurement!    You all ROCKED IT!

Monday, January 12, 2015

1.12.15 Homework

Hello! Here are the nuggets of wisdom to practice at home!

1st Grade

  •  -y word family packet; Due 1.15.15


2nd Grade
-eep word family packet; Due 1.15.15



Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hello we are Digital!

Every week I will have the following week's spelling lists and math homework listed here. Practice these word lists with your kiddos.

We are still on the same story this week in Reading. Their test will be on Wednesday or Thursday:

1st A Cupcake Party
Genre Fantasy

High Frequency Words:

Spelling Words:  short u

2nd: How Chipmunk got His Stripes
Genre Traditional Folktales

High Frequency Words:
afraid      might
dark        own
for          show
kept        why
many      would

Spelling Words:
showing       closing
helped          hoped
chasing        baking
liking           spilling
used             sliding
asked           asking

Vocabulary Words:
tunnel       toward
curled       healed
height       brag
direction   tease


They are still working on Unit 4 Place Value and working with 10 groups. 

We are finishing our unit on measuring. Monday we will review and on Tuesday we will take the test!

Social Studies

We are finishing up our chapter on Early Americans. We will review on Monday and take the test on Tuesday. Please review on
Game pin is: 812162

Land Bridge Theory

Science will begin on Wednesday. Our focus will be on 
Energy: Light and Sound.