Monday, February 23, 2015

Week of February 23rd

Hi All! 
This week we are starting new Reading Lessons and finishing up Math Lessons. Please review the Reading Home Letter with your child for more information and activities that you can do to help enhance their learning.

1st Grade_____________________________________________________________________

Genre: Fantasy
Story: The Big Trip

Essential Question: What are some different ways to travel?
Author: Valeri Gorbachev

Spelling Words                                     High Frequency Words
  1.      me                                                          about
  2.      be                                                           by
  3.      read                                                        car
  4.      feet                                                         could
  5.      tree                                                         don't 
  6.      keep                                                       maybe
  7.      eat                                                          sure 
  8.      mean                                                     there
  9.      sea
  10.      these

 First Graders have four more words added to their spelling list this week. They will also be focusing on compound sentences and reading with fluency regarding punctuation. 


Math Test Tuesday!

2nd Grade___________________________________________________________________

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Story: Mr Tanen's Tie Trouble
Essential Question: How can helping others make you feel good?
Author: Maryanne Cocca-Leffler

Spelling List                   HFW                 Vocabulary

  1. running                  also                   received
  2. clapped                  fly                      account
  3. stopped                  gone                   budget
  4. hopping                 have                   disappointed
  5. batted                    horse                  chuckled
  6. selling                   look                    staring
  7. pinned                   river                   repeated
  8. cutting                   said                    fund
  9. sitting                    saw
  10. rubbed                   something
  11. missed 
  12. grabbed

Projected Math Test Monday!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Post- Valentine's Day Weekend Week of School

Hi all. I do apologize for not posting last week. Life just got away from me. But I am back and happy to post the goings on in our classroom.

We will take a Reading test this Wednesday and finish up the week with awesome writing projects.
It looks like math tests will occur next week for both grades! We are cruising along.

1st Grade
Genre: Fantasy
Spelling List
long a words

1. same
2. name
3. gate
4. mate
5. save
6. shave

High Frequency Word List

1. four
2. five
3. over
4. two
5. starts
6. watch
7. into
8. three

2nd Grade
Genre:  Biography

Spelling list        

  1. globe
  2. oak
  3. coast
  4. joke
  5. below
  6. ago
  7. moat
  8. nose
  9. soak
  10. cone
  11. stove
  12. slow
Vocabulary List
  1. knowledge
  2. curious
  3. motion
  4. silence
  5. illness
  6. imitated
  7. darkness
  8. behavior


 We are working on Lessons 5-6 through 5-10 this week. Our focus is on making a ten to help our addition when dealing with adding three or more numbers. We are still working with decade numbers (10, 20, 30, etc.) and adding either ones or tens to those numbers. 

They took a quiz today and it was awesome! Way to go scholars!

2nd Grade
Seconds are working on Lessons 4-16-4-19 this week. They will have homework every night corresponding to the lesson number (i.e. 4-16, 4-17, etc.). 

The math focus is on word problems with unknown addends (50 + ____=123).

Coming up next week two step problems of fun! 

Most of our second graders need to be reminded to read the question thoroughly and understand what is being asked of them in these two step problems.  They just want to use the numbers give to solve the problem, but they must solve a part of the problem in order to solve the main question. 

For example:
Margie has 17 cars. Logan has 9 more cars than Margie. Bonnie has 12 fewer cars than Logan. How many cars does Bonnie have?

1st: Find out how many cars Logan has; 17+9=26 cars
2nd: Then use this info to find out how many cars Bonnie has: 26-12= 14 cars

Social Studies

We are diving into exploration and trade during the 1400's! The world is getting bigger and bigger! 
We will finish up this chapter in a week and a half and take the big test! Check back for more info to help your student regarding this topic. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

First Week of February!

Hello Scholars and Families! February is upon us and we will celebrate with some fun Groundhog Day activities on Monday. If only we could watch Groundhog Day staring Bill Murray all day long....

We will also be finishing up our Reading Lessons; 1st grade At Home in the Ocean and 2nd Grade Click Clack Moo this week.

1st Grade
We will be transforming our room into an underwater sea adventure of awesomeness! 

Spelling Words
Diagraph th
  1. thumb
  2. fifth
  3. birth
  4. three
  5. bathtub
  6. threw
High Frequency Words:
  • blue
  • little
  • water
  • cold
  • live
  • where
  • far
  • their

Proper Nouns

2nd Grade
Will be doing a fun writing activity and making the Duck to place it upon. 

same list as last week due to test not being given due to math needs.

Spelling List:
Base Words and Endings -s, -es
  1. hens
  2. eggs
  3. ducks
  4. bikes
  5. boxes
  6. wishes
  7. dresses
  8. names
  9. bells
  10. stamps
  11. dishes 
  12. grapes

High Frequency Words:
another       kind
far               light
grow           more
hard            some
heard          to

understand      believe
gathered          problem
impatient         demand
impossible       furious

Compound Sentences

Spelling tests will be given on Thursday as usual.

In Math 1st Grade is starting a new unit involving decade numbers (10, 20, 30...) and hundreds. 2nd Grade is still plugging along adding and subtracting with hundreds.


We will be finishing up our unit on sound with an amazing project 
Videos to follow. 
Social Studies will resume next Monday.