Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Celebrating the Earth (part 2) via Art!

 Hungry Caterpillars have taken over our Kinder Garden! 
A few Lorax have appeared to protect them!
 If the trees could speak and E A R T H writing. 
Ms. Cole's Class speaks for the trees!

Celebrating our Home, the Earth, via Science!

This month we celebrate the Earth, our one and only home, and the kiddos are so excited! Thanks to the wonderful Mrs. Clairmont, they are taking nature walks with their clipboards, check sheets and home made binoculars. These budding scientists are looking for signs of spring documenting their findings just like a true field biologist! They have also planted seeds and are watching them grow! 

 Olivia and Reilly checking off some signs of spring!
 Calvin looking deeply at science!
 Look, over there! Amadeus sees something neat!
 Cory, a future field biologist in the making!
Kindergarten by the lake!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Kinders Rocking Math!

This was taken last week during math. The kids are working so well both together and independently in math. We are working all levels of learning so there is lots to do!
 This subject is one of the kid's favorites!

 Ni'Ellie, our super math helper for the day!

The kids working on dry erase boards in pairs seeking a missing partner for the numbers 6-10.