Monday, May 25, 2015

The Last Week of MAY!

Greetings All! This is the last week of May and we have a 3 day school week. We will be testing late this week in both 1st and 2nd in our Reading class.  Last weeks' spelling test was our last one of the year!

In Math we will be showing our mastery of money as we play in our class store.

Animal Wonders visited lat Thursday and they were such a big hit with the kids! It was a wonderful, interactive, educational experience that they will not soon forget. This experience would not be possible without the funds from our PTO. A big thank you to all!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5.18.15 - 5.21.14

Hello Families and Scholars. I do so apologize for the lack of a post last week. It was a rough week for me and my family as we had to say goodbye to our furry family member. I am back however and will keep the weekly posts coming.

This week we are MAP testing (2nd-5th).  So far the kiddos are doing AWESOME!

This week and next we will wrap up our Reading curriculum with Informational Texts. The First Graders will be learning about  how an apple tree grows and the Second Graders will learn all about Emperor Penguins.

First and Second grade will be exploring money as we work in our class store. The 2nd Graders will be taking their last test of the year tomorrow and 1st Grade took their last test last week.

Animal Wonders will be presenting animals from the Rainforest this Thursday! I am so excited to be bringing them to our school with the financial contribution from our AMAZING PTO!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This Week Has Completley Flown By!

This week has been full of busy students and high energy! We had PTO come in and serve us a wonderful lunch on Tuesday to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Many thanks to our wonderful PTO Mammas!

We have started new Reading Units this week and a letter was sent home on Monday covering all of the topics your young scholars will be studying. Please do some of the home activities to help strengthen the Home-School bond and to engage your child in learing.

In Math we have started new units too and everyone did AWESOME on their Math tests!

Keep checking back for more info as the year winds down (so QUICKLY).