Monday, May 30, 2016

GRADUATION!!!! 2015-2016 Kindergarten Class of 2028

Class of 2028!

That sounds so futuristic! I have been preparing this class for life on Mars. See this the TED video below and be amazed! I have so enjoyed waking up everyday to serve this class of children. They love to learn and are such good friends with each other. I was proud to be their guide on the side as they explored paleontology, our Solar System (esp. Mars), math and reading. This kids have so much to offer to the future world, and I am anticipating their achievements in life. Thank you parents for sharing your cool, fun, silly, smart, and joyful children with me every school day this year. I am truly going to miss them so much next year! Here is a picture-pa-lloza for your enjoyment! 

Mars the Next Best Place

Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss have taken over!

Market Day RULES!

 Art is awesome. Mrs. Lemn taught us how to write out names in Hieroglyphics; no big deal!
 We  studied our Solar system. Each kiddo had a planet to study.
Each is very possessive of their world!
 Lining up Solar System order!

Christmas play sheep; one of my favorite class photos!

Dino dig grid system. 

TED talk on living on Mars!

Field Day Shenanigans!
Fierce concentration by one Piper!
I could not have done Field Day without the help of Ms. Stephanie! 
I wish her all the best in her future endeavors!
Cory launching off into space!

Halloween Pumpkins ours is the one on the far right. Give Kinders some funny pieces and you are all set for pumpkin decorating success! 
Ms. Kim's class Pete the Cat deserve some props too!

Older students helping the kinder; AWESOME!
                           This is for Ms. Kim, sometimes Pete comes to visit Kitty Meow Meow. 

Piper and Calvin in their George Washington Hats.

Proud Paleontologists and their dinosaur dig projects! Thank you Ms. Sheri and Ms. Stephanie for helping to glue the millions of tiny pieces together! The kids were/are so proud of their dinosaurs!
Aptosaurus and Paleontologist Reilly!
Stega Sisters!
More Apatosaurus (not the favored Brontosaurus) Paleontologists Reilly, Kami and Calvin!
Cory and his Plesiosaurus find in the dino dig. Ni'Ellie found one too!
Amadeus an Faryn with one of two Pterosaurs!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Celebrating the Earth (part 2) via Art!

 Hungry Caterpillars have taken over our Kinder Garden! 
A few Lorax have appeared to protect them!
 If the trees could speak and E A R T H writing. 
Ms. Cole's Class speaks for the trees!

Celebrating our Home, the Earth, via Science!

This month we celebrate the Earth, our one and only home, and the kiddos are so excited! Thanks to the wonderful Mrs. Clairmont, they are taking nature walks with their clipboards, check sheets and home made binoculars. These budding scientists are looking for signs of spring documenting their findings just like a true field biologist! They have also planted seeds and are watching them grow! 

 Olivia and Reilly checking off some signs of spring!
 Calvin looking deeply at science!
 Look, over there! Amadeus sees something neat!
 Cory, a future field biologist in the making!
Kindergarten by the lake!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Kinders Rocking Math!

This was taken last week during math. The kids are working so well both together and independently in math. We are working all levels of learning so there is lots to do!
 This subject is one of the kid's favorites!

 Ni'Ellie, our super math helper for the day!

The kids working on dry erase boards in pairs seeking a missing partner for the numbers 6-10.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Spring Break! See you all on April 4th!

is upon us and I hope that everyone gets some rest, relaxation and some quality time with family. We return to school APRIL 4th, and it will be a whirlwind until the end of the year! I am excited to see home much more the Kinders will grow as they march towards graduation. I have had such a wonderful class and I have enjoyed every minute of working with them. We will keep focusing on reading and addition and subtraction. I am planing a science unit on solids, liquids and gases and signs of spring.

Enjoy that week of family time!

Monday, March 14, 2016

The History of St. Patrick

History Channel's St. Patrick Information Page has tons of information about this holiday. I for one did not know that this day was a celebratory feast day for the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick is known for converting the Irish to Christianity, thus he is their patron saint.  The kiddos are already excited about wearing green and NOT getting pinched!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Dr. Seuss's Birthday!

Kindergarten celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday was celebrated on Tuesday, March 2nd. We read The Cat in the Hat, Oh the Places You Will Go!, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?. We all had Cat in The Hat hats that we wore all day. We also had a Cat in the Hat coloring sheet contest! It was a busy fun day! Next year it will be even bigger and better!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kinder Happenings this Month!

This month has been a whirlwind of activity! First we had the awesome ski trip at Blacktail Mountain, then we had a Valentine's day party, then we had a dental talk from the county, and finally we had so many delicious hot lunches on Mondays.

AND we celebrated two presidents birthdays this month. Below is Piper sporting her Washington hat and I love that Calvin look like a continental soldier marching! 

The Kinders finished up their study on dinosaurs. We learned what a dig sit is, how the grid at the site works. How to build a model (and what a model is!); patience and perseverance were side life lessons honed with this activity. We have a few models hanging up in the room over the science center, the rest went home! The vocabulary words we focused on were excavation, herbivore, carnivore, paleontology, fossil and extinct. The final project was the writing component, their field guides! We learned that we have to look in books and on the internet to find out information. This was a big science unit and the kids did an amazing job! 

                   Apatosaurus                                    Plesiosaurus

                  Apatosaurus                                         Stegosaurus  
                      Pterandon                                   Dig site with grid. 

In math we are focusing on teen numbers and 3D shapes. We have made cubes, cones, pyramids and cylinders so far. This is what happens when 5-6 year olds make cones and have access to tape! Love it! I love how Case is either a narwhal or unicorn.