Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kinder Happenings this Month!

This month has been a whirlwind of activity! First we had the awesome ski trip at Blacktail Mountain, then we had a Valentine's day party, then we had a dental talk from the county, and finally we had so many delicious hot lunches on Mondays.

AND we celebrated two presidents birthdays this month. Below is Piper sporting her Washington hat and I love that Calvin look like a continental soldier marching! 

The Kinders finished up their study on dinosaurs. We learned what a dig sit is, how the grid at the site works. How to build a model (and what a model is!); patience and perseverance were side life lessons honed with this activity. We have a few models hanging up in the room over the science center, the rest went home! The vocabulary words we focused on were excavation, herbivore, carnivore, paleontology, fossil and extinct. The final project was the writing component, their field guides! We learned that we have to look in books and on the internet to find out information. This was a big science unit and the kids did an amazing job! 

                   Apatosaurus                                    Plesiosaurus

                  Apatosaurus                                         Stegosaurus  
                      Pterandon                                   Dig site with grid. 

In math we are focusing on teen numbers and 3D shapes. We have made cubes, cones, pyramids and cylinders so far. This is what happens when 5-6 year olds make cones and have access to tape! Love it! I love how Case is either a narwhal or unicorn.

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