Saturday, December 26, 2015

Where has the time gone?

Welcome back to the blog. I FINALLY have a working internet connection at home and thus can resume the blog.  The play was fantastic! And it could not have been a success without the help from families and friends of Dayton School:  

you all ROCK!

Thank you Sarah Schmeusser for making the sheep look so adorable! The lambs loved their outfits and they did a great job singing their song! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Kinder Catch-up!

Internet for now so onward and upward! Here are some fun pics from our Kinder class. Enjoy!

Cory had a birthday in October! 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cute Kinders!

We busted out the blocks to enhance our math lesson last week. Building bigger and taller structures was the goal. Valuable lessons about how to communicate and share are learned during this time. It is pretty awesome to watch the kiddos learn how to navigate social situations. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hot Lunch Monday!

You can send your child to school without a lunch, knowing that they will still be fed! Don't you just love P.T.O. Hot Lunch Mondays! 

Scholastic Book orders are due tomorrow! I will place the order this week!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Dragon Floats and Hot Lunch Mondays!

The Dayton Daze parade was a huge success! Our Dragon float was so awesome and completely imagined by one amazing Mrs. Bartel. Thank you to the Adams family (I just love saying that!) for the donation of the truck and trailer. 

Remember Monday is hot lunch provided by our wonderful P.T.O. Hot ham and cheese sandwiches. 
(Picture does not actually represent actual lunch).

Friday, September 11, 2015

Dayton Daze Parade Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the parade! Bring your child(ren) by the school around 1:30 for parade lineup. It should be pretty warm, so bring a water bottle. 

See you there!

I'm pretty sure that our float will look something like this:

Sunday, September 6, 2015

What a GREAT First Week!

Dayton School's new mascot is the Dayton Dragonites! A dragonite is a juvenile dragon ( I didn't know either :)). T-shirts will be available for sale at Dayton Days. Our float will be dragon themed! Below is a picture of a dragonite; this image not our mascot.

We did it! The kindergartners made it through their first full week of school! 

The day is long and we are building up our stamina (all of us :)) as I add more and more for us to do. 
Social Studies will be added this week as well! 
The centers provide much needed breaks and different ways to learn the material. 

I will have 5/6th graders for Science next week and we will get started on our orchard project. I can't wait to see those trees in the ground!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

K Room Make Over 2015

So many fun changes this year. Whoever says that teachers have the summers off are so WRONG! :) I am working a center based approach this year. So far the kiddos are loving it, and so am I!

 Dramatic play center in the back, and sensory table in the foreground. 

 Math and Reading centers. Notice that big cushy chair from which I read from!

 Reading center under the colorful hanging lamps, and my desk corner in the far left. 

 Looking across the room from the play center; art easel (art center) at right. 

Front view of the room!

Monday, August 31, 2015

1st Day Back! 2015-2016 is off to a GREAT start!

Today was a playful and happy first day at Dayton School. Getting to know all of our new students is so much fun! We were all busy creating projects and making new friends!
We will be getting our ideas ready for Dayton Days (September 12th), and imagining our 
new mascot this week.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The count down begins...

Well I don't know about you all, but for me Target was a battlefield! There was some CRAZY back to school shopping going on! I was able to get some more things for my K classroom and H got some school supplies too!  Just be careful out there! 

My goal is to get some informational parent letters out by Friday! Check your mailboxes!

We will be Bucket Fillers in Kindergarten this year and more information about this will be in your parent letters! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

School Supplies

Dayton Elementary School Supply List 2015-2016
  • Crayola Markers
  • Colored Pencils and Crayons (Preferable the retractable kind that don’t ever need sharpening)
  • Elmer’s Glue Sticks
  • Anti Bacterial Wipes
  • Large Kleenex Box 
  • Pencils (Ticonderoga #2 large or triangle shaped for Kindergartners, upper grades can use mechanical #2 pencils)
  • 3rd-6th 3 ring (1”binder with inside pockets and folders)
  • Notebook paper (large ruled for K-2, college ruled for 3-6)
  • Fiskar Scissors
  • Ruler
  • 1 or 2 reams of copy paper per family
  • Oversized T-shirt for art
  • 1 pair of running shoes for PE (they don’t have to be brand new)
  • Indoor shoes for winter months (slip on shoes work great, slippers are acceptable if they stay on feet and have a hard sole.)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

School Time is Gaining Fast!

The school supply list is posted on the doors at school as well as at Walmart.  The school calendar is completed and will be put on the website ASAP.

The K room is looking amazing and I am so EXCITED to work with kindergartners this year.

Our first dramatic play center is a Grocery Store. We still need some play/real (empty boxes, milk cartons, etc.) food containers to add to the store. We are also short a shopping cart! I will keep looking.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Flashback Pic from 2006

I hope that everyone's summer is going fantastically! I have been busy, busy, busy! 

Biologist Cole and the poor salmon shark. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer is Almost 1/2 Way Over!

I have been so busy this summer and having a wonderful time! I hope everyone else has been as well. The kindergarten room is going to look so different this year! I have been painting and painting and painting, and I am still not finished! Almost there; I am so excited to put my room back together!

Keep on Reading!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July 2015!

What a great weekend to share the United States Constitution with  your kiddos! Reading is everywhere!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Board Meeting Tomorrow at 4:30

There is a board meeting at the school at 4:30 tomorrow! Hope to see you there. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

School's Out for Summer!

Today was our last day! It was awesome. Thank you all for sharing your wonderful children with me everyday. It has been an honor to teach them. I look forward to seeing all of you next fall! 

Check back often for posts over the summer regarding learning ideas for summer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Holy Moly Guacamole! The last week of school is half-way over!

Oh my! This week is moving fast. Today all of the kiddos took home all of their belongings! We cleaned out the classroom and hall as we prepare for the last two days of school. Tomorrow is the Wave in Whitefish! And Thursday is the BBQ at noon! Be ready to play some awesome Minute-to-win-it games after lunch.

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Last Week of MAY!

Greetings All! This is the last week of May and we have a 3 day school week. We will be testing late this week in both 1st and 2nd in our Reading class.  Last weeks' spelling test was our last one of the year!

In Math we will be showing our mastery of money as we play in our class store.

Animal Wonders visited lat Thursday and they were such a big hit with the kids! It was a wonderful, interactive, educational experience that they will not soon forget. This experience would not be possible without the funds from our PTO. A big thank you to all!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5.18.15 - 5.21.14

Hello Families and Scholars. I do so apologize for the lack of a post last week. It was a rough week for me and my family as we had to say goodbye to our furry family member. I am back however and will keep the weekly posts coming.

This week we are MAP testing (2nd-5th).  So far the kiddos are doing AWESOME!

This week and next we will wrap up our Reading curriculum with Informational Texts. The First Graders will be learning about  how an apple tree grows and the Second Graders will learn all about Emperor Penguins.

First and Second grade will be exploring money as we work in our class store. The 2nd Graders will be taking their last test of the year tomorrow and 1st Grade took their last test last week.

Animal Wonders will be presenting animals from the Rainforest this Thursday! I am so excited to be bringing them to our school with the financial contribution from our AMAZING PTO!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This Week Has Completley Flown By!

This week has been full of busy students and high energy! We had PTO come in and serve us a wonderful lunch on Tuesday to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Many thanks to our wonderful PTO Mammas!

We have started new Reading Units this week and a letter was sent home on Monday covering all of the topics your young scholars will be studying. Please do some of the home activities to help strengthen the Home-School bond and to engage your child in learing.

In Math we have started new units too and everyone did AWESOME on their Math tests!

Keep checking back for more info as the year winds down (so QUICKLY).

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 27-30th

Hi Families and scholars. This week is the last week of April ( I can hardly believe it!) and 3rd -5th will be taking the SmarterBalanced Tests this week. Our fantastic PTO will be providing breakfast for all students this week! 

Library will be on Monday this week so please remind your students 
to bring their books back. 

1-2nd will have spelling tests this week, but will be focusing on writing this week during our Reading time. We will utilize the spelling words and our High Frequency Words in our writing as we MASTER the Biography genre with a written biography!

In Math 1st is still working with Geometric shapes and garnering an understanding for 3D shapes in our world. 2nd Grade is working hard on developing several techniques for 
mastering 3 digit addition and subtraction. 

Some fun flashback pics! 
 Halloween Fun!
 St. Paddy's Day mustaches!
 Boys being boys.
New calendar technique; using two plastic pointers to pick stuff up!